Listed sequentially from the recent to the earlier ones, not in the order of significance:
Testing Whether Gravity Acts as a Quantum Entity When Measured, F. Hanif, D. Das, J. Halliwell, D. Home, A. Mazumdar, H. Ulbricht and S. Bose, Physical Review Letters 133, 180201 (2024).
Articles on this work appeared in Physics World, 21 October, 2024; New Scientist, 9 Ocober, 2024; The Telegraph, 5 November, 2024 ; This work has featured in the Research Highlights of Nature, 14 November 2024, Volume 635, page 261; A report on this work has also appeared in the website, 13 November, 2024; A report on this work has appeared in the web link, in the magazine Shaastra published by IIT Madras, Vol – 03, Issue – 10, Nov 2024.
Single-System-Based Generation of Certified Randomness Using Leggett-Garg Inequality, P. P. Nath, D. Saha, D. Home, and U. Sinha, Physical Review Letters 133, 020802 (2024).
A Report on this work appeared in Nature India.
Relating an entanglement measure with statistical correlators for two-qudit mixed states using only a pair of complementary observables, S. Sadana , S. Kanjilal, D. Home and U. Sinha, Quantum Information Processing, 23, 138 (2024).
Revealing incommensurability between device-independent randomness, nonlocality, and entanglement using Hardy and Hardy-type relations, S. Sasmal , A Rai , S. Gangopadhyay, D. Home and U. Sinha, Physica Scripta 99, 035012 (2024).
Mass-Independent Scheme to Test the Quantumness of a Massive Object, D. Das, D. Home, H. Ulbricht and S. Bose, Physical Review Letters 132, 030202 (2024).
Articles on this work appeared in Physics World, 4 January, 2024; Scientific American, 27 February, 2024. This work also appreciatively reported in Deccan Herald ; Science alert ; The Telegraph Online ; 3D News, (Russia) ; A Report on this work issued by Press Information Bureau, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
A concise popular presentation of this work in YouTube by Sabine Hossenfelder, 26 January 2024.
Massive spatial qubits: Testing macroscopic nonclassicality and Casimir entanglement, Bin Yi, U. Sinha, D. Home, A. Mazumdar and S. Bose, Physical Review Research 5, 033202 (2023).
Unambiguous joint detection of spatially separated properties of a single photon in the two arms of an interferometer, S. N. Sahoo, S. Chakraborti, S Kanjilal, S. R. Behera, D. Home,A. Matzkin and U. Sinha, Communications Physics (Nature Group) 6, 203 (2023).
This work appreciatively reported in Times of India, The Hindu, and Deccan Herald. Also, available a short RRI Write-up on this work.
Sufficient conditions for quantum advantage in random access code protocols with two-qubit states, S. Kanjilal, C. Jebarathinam, T. Paterek, and D. Home, Physical Review A 108, 012617 (2023).
Wigner-approach-enabled detection of multipartite nonlocality using all different bipartition, S. Nandi, D. Saha, D. Home, and A. S. Majumdar, Physical Review A 106, 062203 (2022).
Resource-theoretic efficacy of the single copy of a two-qubit entangled state in a sequential network, A. K. Das, D. Das, S. Mal, D. Home, and A. S. Majumdar, Quantum Information Processing 21, 381 (2022).
Loophole-Free Interferometric Test of Macrorealism Using Heralded Single Photons, K. Joarder, D. Saha, D. Home, and U. Sinha, Physical Review X QUANTUM 3, 010307 (2022).
This work appreciatively reviewed in Nature, New Scientist, and Deccan Herald. Short Write-ups published by DST-India and RRI.
Pearson correlation coefficient as a measure for certifying and quantifying high-dimensional entanglement, C. Jebarathinam, D. Home, U. Sinha, Physical Review A 101, 022112 (2020).
Revisiting comparison between entanglement measures for two-qubit pure states, A. Singh, I. Ahamed, D. Home, U. Sinha, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 37, 157-166 (2020).
Persistence of quantum violation of macrorealism for large spins even under coarsening of measurement times, S. Mukherjee, A. Rudra, D Das, S. Mal, D. Home, Physical Review A 100, 042114 (2019).
Remote state preparation using correlations beyond discord; S. Kanjilal, A. Khan, C. Jebarathinam, and D. Home, Physical Review A 98, 062320 (2018).
Revealing the quantitative relation between simultaneous correlations in complementary bases and quantum steering for two-qubit Bell diagonal states; C. Jebarathinam, A. Khan, S. Kanjilal and D. Home, Physical Review A 98, 042306 (2018).
Nonclassicality of the harmonic-oscillator coherent state persisting up to the macroscopic domain; S. Bose, D. Home and S. Mal, Physical Review Letters 120, 210402 (2018).
Testing local-realism and macro-realism under generalized dichotomic measurements; D. Das, S. Mal and D. Home, Physics Letters A 382, 1085 (2018).
The Quantum Cheshire Cat effect: Theoretical basis and observational implications; Q. Duprey, S. Kanjilal, U. Sinha, D. Home and A. Matzkin, Annals of Physics 391, 1 (2018).
A tighter steering criterion using the Robertson-Schrödinger uncertainty relation; S. Sasmal, T. Pramanik, D. Home and A. S. Majumdar, Physics Letters A 382, 27 (2018).
Bipartite qutrit local realist inequalities and the robustness of their quantum mechanical violation; D. Das, S. Datta, S. Goswami, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 381, 3396 (2017).
Can the use of the Leggett-Garg inequality enhance security of the BB84 protocol?; A. Shenoy H., S. Aravinda, R. Srikanth and D. Home, Physics Letters A 381, 2478 (2017).
Quantum mechanical violation of macrorealism for large spin and its robustness against coarse-grained measurements; S. Mal, D. Das and D. Home, Physical Review A 94, 062117 (2016).
Manifestation of pointer-state correlations in complex weak values of quantum observables; S. Kanjilal, G. Muralidhara and D. Home, Physical Review A 94, 052110 (2016).
Sharing of Nonlocality of a Single Member of an Entangled Pair of Qubits Is Not Possible by More than Two Unbiased Observers on the Other Wing; S. Mal, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home; special issue “Mathematics of Quantum Uncertainty”- Mathematics 4, 48 (2016).
Duality in Entanglement tested with Bell Measurements; I. P. Degiovanni, E. Moreva, M. Gramegna, M. Genovese, S. Bose, D. Home, and G. Brida; in Proc. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America,) JTu5A.27 (2016).
Facets of the Leggett-Garg inequality: some recent studies; D. Home, Current Science 109, 1980 (2015).
Effect of quantum statistics on the gravitational weak equivalence principle; S. V. Mousavi, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Classical and Quantum Gravity 32, 215014 (2015).
Bell measurements as a witness of a dualism in entanglement; E. Moreva, G. Brida, M. Gramegna, S. Bose, D. Home and M. Genovese, Physical Review A 91, 062117 (2015).
Toward secure communication using intra-particle entanglement; S. Adhikari, D. Home, A. S. Majumdar, A. K. Pan, A. Shenoy H. and R. Srikanth, Quantum Information Processing 14, 1451 (2015).
Wigner’s form of the Leggett-Garg inequality, No-Signaling-in-time condition, and unsharp measurement; D. Saha, S. Mal, P. K. Panigrahi and D. Home, Physical Review A 91, 032117 (2015).
Multipartite Bell-type Inequality by Generalizing Wigner’s Argument; D. Home, D. Saha and S. Das, Physical Review A 91, 012102 (2015).
Unification of Bell, Leggett-Garg and Kochen-Specker inequalities: Hybrid spatio-temporal inequalities; S. Das, S. Arvinda, R. Srikanth and D. Home, Europhysics Letters 104, 60006 (2013).
Duality in Entanglement Enabling a Test of Quantum Indistinguishability Unaffected by Interactions; S. Bose and D. Home, Physical Review Letters 110, 140404 (2013).
Probing the Leggett-Garg inequality for oscillating neutral kaons and neutrinos; D. Gangopadhyay, D. Home and A. Sinha Roy, Physical Review A 88, 022115 (2013).
Reexamining Larmor precession in a spin-rotator: Testable correction and its ramifications; D. Home, A. K. Pan and A. Banerjee, The European Physical Journal D 67, 72 (2013).
Reply to Comment on ‘Quantitative probing of the quantum-classical transition for the arrival time distribution’; D Home, A. K. Pan and A. Banerjee, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 208002 (2013).
A testable prediction of the no-signalling condition using a variant of the EPR-Bohm example; D. Home, A. Rai and A. S. Majumdar, Physics Letters A 337, 540 (2013).
Effect of a transient barrier on wavepacket traversal; D. Home, A. S. Majumdar and A. Matzkin, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45, 295301 (2012).
Strong quantum violation of the gravitational weak equivalence principle by a non-Gaussian wave-packet; P. Chowdhury, D. Home, A. S. Majumdar, S. V. Mousavi, M. R. Mozaffari and S. Sinha, Classical and Quantum Gravity 29, 025010 (2012).
Quantum violation of noncontextuality for separable states using fewer measurement settings; A. K. Pan and D. Home, The European Physical Journal D 66, 62 (2012).
Quantum teleportation using non-orthogonal entangled channels; S. Adhikari, A. S. Majumdar, D. Home, A. K. Pan and P. Joshi, Physica Scripta 85, 045001 (2012).
Testing non-locality of single photons using cavities; T. Pramanik, S. Adhikari, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 376, 344 (2012).
On Empirical Scrutiny of the Bohmian Model Using a Spin Rotator and the Arrival/Transit Time Distribution; A. K. Pan and D. Home, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 51, 374 (2012).
Leggett-type nonlocal realist inequalities without any constraint on the geometrical alignment of measurement settings; A. Rai, D. Home and A. S. Majumdar, Physical Review A 84, 052115 (2011).
An interplay between nonlocality and quantum violation of path-spin noncontextuality; D. Home and A. K. Pan, International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 1279 (2011).
On the Possibility of Empirically Probing the Bohmian Model in Terms of the Testability of Quantum Arrival/Transit Time Distribution; D. Home and A. K. Pan, in “Quantum Trajectories”; edited by P. Chattaraj (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2011).
Quantum mechanical effect of path-polarization contextuality for a single photon; A. K. Pan and D. Home, International Journal of Theoretical Physics 49, 1920 (2010).
Reply to the “Comments on ‘Contextuality within quantum mechanics manifested in subensemble mean values’”; D. Home and A. K. Pan, Physics Letters A 374, 2195 (2010).
Information transfer using a single particle path-spin hybrid entangled state; T. Pramanik, S. Adhikari, A. S. Majumdar, D. Home, and A. K. Pan, Physics Letters A 374, 1121 (2010).
Swapping path-spin intraparticle entanglement onto spin-spin interparticle entanglement; S. Adhikari, A. S. Majumdar, D. Home, and A. K. Pan, Europhysics Letters 89, 10005 (2010).
Contextuality within quantum mechanics manifested in subensemble mean values; D. Home and A. K. Pan, Physics Letters A 373, 3430 (2009).
Dark energy from quantum wave function collapse of dark matter; A. S. Majumdar, D. Home, and S. Sinha, Physics Letters B 679, 167 (2009).
Quantitative probing of the quantum–classical transition for the arrival time distribution; D. Home, A. K. Pan and A. Banerjee, Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 42, 165302 (2009).
Using the no-signaling condition for constraining the nonidealness of a Stern-Gerlach set-up; D. Home and A. K. Pan, Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 42, 085301 (2009).
Quantum transit time distribution, its testability and foundational implications; D. Home and A. K. Pan, in “Quantum Optics – Coherence, Entanglement and Nonlinear Dynamics”; edited by J. Banerji, P. K. Panigrahi, and R. P. Singh (Macmillan India, 2008).
Reply to “Comment on ‘Quantum time-of-flight distribution for cold trapped atoms’”; M. Ali, D. Home, A. S. Majumdar and A. K. Pan, Physical Review A 77, 026101 (2008).
Aspects of nonideal Stern – Gerlach experiment and testable ramifications; D. Home, A. K. Pan, M. Ali and A. S. Majumdar, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40, 13975 (2007).
Quantum time of flight distribution for cold trapped atoms; M. Ali, D. Home, A. S. Majumdar and A. K. Pan, Physical Review A 75, 042110 (2007).
On the quantum analogue of Galileo’s leaning tower experiment; M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, D. Home, and A. K. Pan, Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, 6493 – 6502 (2006).
Quantum Superarrivals: Bohr’s Wave-Particle Duality Revisited; M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, and D. Home, Foundations of Physics Letters 19, 179 (2006).
Observability of the arrival time distribution using spin-rotator as quantum clock; A. K. Pan, M. Ali and D. Home, Physics Letters A 352, 296 (2006).
Testing Quantum Statistics with Particles in Distinguishable States; S. Bose and D. Home, International Journal of Quantum Information 3, 117 (2005).
Information Transfer and Non-locality for a Tripartite Entanglement using Dynamics; D. Home and J. Corbett, Physics Letters A 333, 382 (2004).
Spin-dependent observable effect for Free Particles using the Arrival Time Distribution; M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar, D. Home and S. Sengupta, Physical Review A 68, 042105 (2003).
Information Flow and Quantum Cryptography using Statistical Fluctuations; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physical Review A 67, 022306 (2003).
Generic entangling through quantum indistinguishability; S. Bose and D. Home, Pramana – Journal of Physics 59, 229 (2002).
Violation of Bell’s inequality in neutral kaons system; M. K. Samal and D. Home, Pramana – Journal of Physics 59, 289 (2002).
Understanding Quantum Superarrivals using the Bohmian Model; M. Ali, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 304, 61 (2002).
Quantum Information Transfer without An External Chanel; D. Home and J. Corbett, in Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology ISQM – Tokyo’01; World Scientific (2002).
Quantum Information Transfer Using A Time-Dependent Boundary Condition; D. Home and A. S. Majumdar; in Proc. 7th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology ISQM – Tokyo’01; World Scientific (2002).
Generic Entanglement Generation, Quantum Statistics, and Complementarity; S. Bose and D. Home, Physical Review Letters 88, 050401 (2002).
Quantum-Mechanical Effects in a Time-varying Reflection Barrier; S. Bandyopadhyay, A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physical Review A 65, 052718 (2002).
Interpreting the Measurement of the Time of Decay: Phenomenological Significance of the Bohm Model; A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 296, 176 (2002).
Quantum superarrivals and information transfer through a time varying boundary; D. Home and A. S. Majumdar, Pramana – Journal of Physics 59, 321 (2002).
Bell’s inequality for a single spin-1/2 particle and Quantum Contextuality; S. Basu, S. Bandyopadhyay, G. Kar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 279, 281 (2001).
Facets of Tripartite Entanglement, in the special issue “Foundations of Quantum Theory and Quantum Optics”; D. Home, Pramana – Journal of Physics 56, 179 (2001).
Quantum Effects involving Interplay between Unitary Dynamics and Kinematic Entanglement; D. Home and J. Corbett, Physical Review A 62, 062103 (2000).
On the Importance of the Bohmian Approach for Interpreting CP Violation Experiments; D. Home and A. S. Majumdar, Foundations of Physics 29, 721 (1999).
Quantum Zeno Effect: Relevance for Local Realism, Macroscopic Realism, and Non-invasive Measurability at the Macroscopic Level; D. Home and M.A.B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 239, 6 (1998).
Response to “Comment on DNA Molecular Cousin of Schrödinger’s Cat: A Curious Example of Quantum Measurement”; D. Home and R. Chattopadhyaya, Physical Review Letters 80, 1349 (1998).
Comment on Why Quantum Mechanics Cannot be formulated as a Markov Process; L. Hardy, D. Home, E. J. Squires and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physical Review A 56, 3301 (1997).
A Conceptual Analysis of Quantum Zeno; Paradox, Measurement and Experiment; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Annals of Physics 258, 237 (1997).
Collapse-Induced Quantum Nonlocal Effect; D. Home and G. Kar, Foundations of Physics 27, 1765 (1997).
Testing a Dynamical Model of Wavefunction Collapse in the Cosmological Scenario; D. Home and A.S. Majumdar, in Quantum Coherence and Decoherence; edited by K. Fujikawa and Y. A. Ono (Elsevier, 1996).
Is Spontaneous Localization Compatible with the Energy density of the Universe?; A. S. Majumdar and D. Home, Physics Letters A 220, 17 (1996).
The Two-Prism Experiment and Wave Particle Duality of Light; P. Ghose and D. Home, Invited Contribution to the special issue of Foundations of Physics in honour of Max Jammer 26, 943 (1996).
Standard Quantum Mechanics with Environment-Induced Decoherence and Wavefunction Collapse: Possibility of an Empirical Discrimination Using Neutron Interferometry; D. Home and S. Bose, Physics Letters A 217, 209 (1996).
DNA Molecular Cousin of Schrödinger’s Cat: A Curious Example of Quantum Measurement; D. Home and R. Chattopadhyaya, Physical Review Letters 76, 2836 (1996).
The inadequacy of Effective Incoherence Interpretations of Quantum Theory, as demonstrated by analysis of EPR Measurements; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 211, 5 (1996).
Incompatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Realism in the Strong Macroscopic Limit; D. Home and A. S. Majumdar, Physical Review A 52, 4959 (1995).
Quantum Nonlocality of Single Photon States; D. Home and G. S. Agarwal, Physics Letters A 209, 1 (1995).
An Analysis of the Aharonov-Anandan-Vaidman Model; P. Ghose and D. Home, Foundations of Physics 25, 1105 (1995).
Quantum Mechanical Interference and Indistinguishability in Nuclear Orbiting Reactions; A. Ray and D. Home, Physics Letters A 204, 87 (1995).
On Boson Trajectories in the Bohm Model; P. Ghose and D. Home, Physics Letters A 191, 362 (1994).
Position and Contextuality in Bohm’s Causal Completion of Quantum Mechanics; D. Home, Physics Letters A 190, 353 (1994).
Wave Function Collapse as a Nonlocal Quantum Effect; D. Home and R. Nair, Physics Letters A 187, 224 (1994).
Parameter Dependence in the EPR-Bohm Type Experiment; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 187, 227 (1994).
Simultaneously Sharp Wave and Particle-Like Property of Single Photon States in a Two-Prism Experiment; P. Ghose and D. Home, in: Recent Developments in Quantum Optics, edited by R. Inguva (Springer, 1993) 43 – 46.
Non-Classical Interference and Which Path Information in a Gamma Angular Correlation Experiment Using a Heavy-Ion Orbiting Reaction; A. Ray and D. Home, Physics Letters A 178, 33 (1993).
Relativistic quantum mechanics of bosons; P. Ghose, D. Home and M. N. Sinha Roy, Physics Letters A 183, 267 (1993).
Comment on Computational Approach to the Quantum Zeno Effect; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physical Review A 48, 2502 (1993).
A New Theorem on Quantum Nonlocality, D. Home, Vistas in Astronomy 37, 269-272 (1993).
Interrupted Fluorescence Experiments and Hidden Variables; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 181, 114 (1993).
A Unified Framework for Quantum Zeno Processes; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 173, 327 (1993).
The Aharonov-Bohm Effect from the Point of View of Local Realism; D. Home and F. Selleri, in: Wave-Particle Duality, edited by F. Selleri (Plenum, New York, 1992) 127-138.
Locality and Causality in Time-Dependent Aharonov-Bohm Interference; R. A. Brown and D. Home, Nuovo Cimento 107B, 303 (1992).
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Correlation – Parallelism between the Wigner Function and Local Hidden Approaches; G. S. Agarwal, D. Home and W. Scleich, Physics Letters A 170, 359 (1992).
Wave-Particle Duality of Single Photon States; P. Ghose and D. Home, Invited contribution to the special issue of Foundations of Physics on the birth centenary of L. de Broglie, 22, 1435 (1992).
An Experiment to throw more Light on Light: Implications; P. Ghose D. Home and G. S. Agarwal, Physics Letters A, 168, 95 (1992).
Negative-Result Experiments and the Requirement of Wave Function Collapse; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Journal of Physics A 25, 2387 (1992).
Realism and the Quantum Mechanical Two-State Oscillator; L. Hardy, D. Home, E. J. Squires and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physical Review A 45, 4267 (1992).
A Critical Re-examination of the Zeno Paradox; D. Home and M.A.B. Whitaker, Journal of Physics A 25, 657 (1992).
Ensemble Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Perspective; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Reports 210, 223 (1992).
Testing Wave Function Collapse and the Complementarity Principle using Neutron Self – Interference and Tunneling; P. Ghose and D. Home, Physica B 174, 403 (1991).
Comment on “A Critique of Home and Sengupta Derivation of a Bell Inequality”; D. Home and S. Sengupta, Foundations of Physics Letters 4, 451 (1991).
Critique of a Recent Claim of a Formal Difference between Copenhagen and Statistical Interpretations of Quantum Theory; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 160, 325 (1991).
Neutral Kaon Physics from the Point of View of Realism; D. Home and F. Selleri, Journal of Physics A 24, L1073 (1991).
Bell’s Theorem and the EPR Paradox; D. Home and F. Selleri, Rivista del Nuovo Cimento 14, 9 (1991).
Local Realistic Models and Non-Physical Probabilities; D. Home, V. L. Lepore and F. Selleri, Physics Letters A 158, 357 (1991).
Is Bell-type Inequality violated for K0 – K0, B0 – B0 systems? A. Datta and D. Home, Foundations of Physics Letters 4, 165 (1991).
Manifestly Lorentz Covariant Formulation of the EPR Problem using the Tomonaga-Schwinger Formalism; P. Ghose and D. Home, Physical Review A 43, 6382 (1991).
An Experiment to throw more Light on Light; P. Ghose, D. Home, and G. S. Agarwal, Physics Letters A 153, 403 (1991).
An Analysis of the validity of Local Causality at the Statistical Level in Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type Situations; D. Home and M. D. Srinivas, Pramana-Journal of Physics 35, 303 (1990).
In Search of New Facets of the EPR Paradox Using K0 – K0, B0 – B0 Type Systems; in Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Tokyo; edited by S. Kobayashi et al. (The Physical Society of Japan, 1989).
Perspectives on Quantum Nonlocality Versus Classical Reality, Invited Contribution to the Written Round Table on What is Reality? published in: Che Cos e la Realta (Jaca Book, Milan, Italy, 1989); also reprinted in the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research 6, 17 (1989).
New Twists to Einstein’s Two-Slit Experiment: Complementarity Vis-a-Vis the Causal Interpretation; D. Home and P. N. Kaloyerou, Journal of Physics A 22, 3253 (1989).
New Facets of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox from elementary particle physics; D. Home, Current Science 57 (No. 9), 455 (1988).
Is Quantum Mechanics with CP Nonconservation Incompatible with Einstein’s Locality Condition at the Statistical Level?; A. Datta, D. Home and A. Raychaudhuri, Physics Letters A 130, 187 (1988).
Wave Function Collapse in the Ensemble Interpretation; P.T. Landsberg and D. Home, in: Microphysical Reality and Quantum Formalism, edited by A. van der Merwe (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1988) 1, 65-69.
Interpretations of Quantum Measurement without the Collapse Postulate; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 128, 1 (1988).
Exploring the Meaning of an Individual Feynman Path; D. Gangopadhyay and D. Home, Physics Letters A 126, 219 (1988).
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox for the Systems, D. Home, in: Quantum Mechanics versus Local Realism, edited by F. Selleri (Plenum, New York, 1988).
A Curious Gedanken Example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox using CP Nonconservation; A. Datta, D. Home and A. Raychaudhuri, Physics Letters A 123, 4 (1987).
The Many Worlds and Relative States Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics and the Quantum Zeno Paradox; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Journal of Physics A 20, 3339 (1987).
An Analysis of Wave Function Collapse Using the Ensemble Interpretation; P. T. Landsberg and D. Home, American Journal of Physics 55, 226 (1987).
Quantum Non-Separability versus Local Realism: A New Test Using the Systems; A. Datta and D. Home, Physics Letters A 119, 3 (1986).
Is the Wave Function Collapse a Physical Reality?; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 117, 439 (1986).
The Ensemble Interpretation and Context – Dependence in Quantum Systems; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Physics Letters A 115, 81 (1986).
Reflections on the Quantum Zeno Paradox; D. Home and M. A. B. Whitaker, Journal of Physics A 19, 1817 (1986).
A Stochastic Local Realist Model for the EPR Atomic Cascade Experiments which reproduces the Quantum Mechanical Coincidence Rates; D. Home and T. Marshall, Physics Letters A 113, 183 (1985).
Response to Comment on a Critical Re-examination of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect; D. Home, American Journal of Physics 53, 778 (1985).
Bell’s Inequality and Non-Contextual Dispersion-Free States; D. Home and S. Sengupta, Physics Letters A 102, 159 (1984).
Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics – A Paradoxical Example; D. Home and S. Sengupta, Nuovo Cimento B 82, 214 (1984).
A Critical Re-examination of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect; D. Home and S. Sengupta, American Journal of Physics 51, 942 (1983).
Heisenberg’s Gedanken Experiment Revisited; D. Home and S. Sengupta, American Journal of Physics, 51, 567 (1983).
Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanics; D. Home and S. Sengupta, American Journal of Physics 51, 265 (1983).
Discontinuity in the First Derivative of Schrödinger Wave Function; D. Home and S. Sengupta, American Journal of Physics 50, 552 (1982).
Extensivity of Entropy and modern form of Gibb’s Paradox; D. Home and S. Sengupta, Pramana – Journal of Physics 17, 509 (1981).
Comments on ‘On a Proposed New Test of Heisenberg’s Principle’, D. Home and S. Sengupta, Journal of Physics A 14, 539 (1981).
On Integralness of Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenvalues; D. Home and S. Sengupta, American Journal of Physics 48, 305 (1980).
Concept of Temperature without the Zeroth law, D. Home, American Journal of Physics 45, 1203 (1977).